Working together with the
for a better future
Buyer Beware - are the breeders part of our Health Certificate Scheme?
It is a great shame that this beautiful, unique breed is often open to abuse by unscrupulous money makers!
It's preferable to buy a puppy from a breeder who is part of the health groups health scheme. You can find a list of these breeders on this website under "health"
Here is a chance for you to see the PROPER and CORRECT paperwork you should expect with your newly purchased on the links below for genuine copies of a
Commercial breeders or as they are more commonly known "puppy farmers" who run commercial dog breeding facilities that are operated with an emphasis upon profits above animal welfare, often in substandard conditions. Females are sometimes bred every time they are in season to increase profits, resulting in gradually decreasing sizes of litters, this is detrimental to the bitches health. Puppies, are also often weaned from their mothers well before the eight to ten weeks recommended. Puppies taken from their mother when they are 5 to 6 weeks old are sold to dealers and 'shipped' all over the country. While the puppies produced may come with pedigrees, the pedigree itself is neither an indication of quality nor authenticity. In many cases buying a cheaper poorly bred puppy can in itself be a false economy as they are more likely to need veterinary treatment very soon if not immediately after purchase.
There are many horror stories, but we hope we can guide you through what can be a mine field. Following a recent television programme concerning the purchase of a puppy with a bogus Registration Certificate A very important point - some buyers are not bothered about documentation but we cannot stress the importance -especially the Kennel Club Registration Document which should have the signature of the current KC Secretary. Sadly the puppy in the programme had NO INSURANCE COVER, fell ill within 24 hours of purchase and was found to have a serious medical condition which proved fatal.
We thought it would be beneficial for prospective puppy purchasers to see copies of genuine Kennel Club documents, all carrying the official logo. You should have a copy of the following including a Puppy Registration Document and a Five Generation pedigree usually produced by the breeder, copies of which you can see if you follow the links above, However, sometimes a Kennel Club Pedigree is purchased direct from the Kennel Club for a fee. In addition to these you should also receive from the breeder a diet sheet, instuctions on what to expect and how to care for the puppy and approximately 4 weeks free insurance.
There is so much more to know when you are looking for a puppy, please read our page on breeders for more information........

Official site of the Basset Hound Health Group
The Basset Hound Health Group - is run under the auspices of all 8 UK based Basset Hound Breed Clubs
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